Monday, 11 October 2010

Evidence of Presentation of Film Pitch

After our film pitch we answered questions and recieved constructive criticisms which would improve the films reality.
Instead of our slogan saying 'Forget me not' it is now 'Forget me knot' a play on words as the main character Ike, has a fetish with hair, he kills his partners and cuts locks of their hair tying them into knots and hiding them in a black box with past pictures of the deceased girlfriends.
We changed the ages of the characters so they are 20 but Ike's past girlfriends were past wives and we realised this couldn't work now that Ike wasn't a vampire because he hadn't been 20 for many years so we changed this idea to fit accordingly to the genre and new idea!

Film Pitch

This was our pitch for our short film, we presented it to the class and had some good feedback which we are taking on board.
There are a few changes we are going to make...
Firstly: Instead of them being married, they are just going to be partners, and instead of Ike having previous wives they will be previous partners. We have done this becuase they are playing the age of 20, and it would not be as realistic if he had been married twice already at that age
Secondly, instead of calling it "forget me not", we are calling it "forget me knot", this will work better as its giving the audience some clues and will create automatic tension.

Idea 1- scrapped! Idea 2 - Psychological Thriller

Within doing our research we found that a vampire 'esque' type movie would be too hard to produce as it would have to look undeniably believable to pull it off. We realised with lack of sufficient funds and time we would not be able to pull it off in a convincing manner.
We have decided to do a psychological thriller instead of romantic comedy as we already have thorough knowledge of thriller films as we did this genre last year at AS.

We want a 'Psycho-esque' feel to our film, creating vast amounts of tension and thrill within our piece whilst also keeping it realistic and clever.